11 August 2023HM News - August 2023 In this edition of HM News we provide an update on the Water Reform programme and the Resource Management Reform programme. We consider the incoming Freshwater Farm Plans, and the new National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity.
23 March 2023AHM News - March 2023 This newsletter provides an update on the numerous law reform packages (and the potential changes which might arise from the new government leadership) and touches on the weather events which rocked the North Island. We then move on to an update on Crown Minerals legislation, before providing some case law updates on recent developments in the environmental and public law spaces.
22 December 2022AHM News - December 2022 This newsletter discusses the two major reforms underway in Aotearoa – Three Waters and Resource Management. In Three Waters news, there has been a lot to discuss, with the enactment of Bill 1, and the introduction of Bills 2 and 3 into Parliament. The overhaul of the Resource Management Act (RMA) has also finally begun in earnest, with the first two of the three replacement statutes released for public submissions. We have outlined the main highlights of the Three Waters bills, and RMA reform bills, but this is by no means a comprehensive review. We also review the recent Ellis case and discuss the implications of the decision on tikanga and its place in Aotearoa’s legal system.
29 July 2022AHM News - July 2022 In this newsletter we briefly detail exposure drafts for policies on freshwater and indigenous biodiversity, which were published for submissions in the middle of this year. We also look at the Water Services Entities Bill, which outlines the governance structure for the new water services entities. A brief case note on interesting judgments rounds off the legal portion of this newsletter, then it's on to the latest firm news.
19 January 2022AHM News - January 2022 In this issue: legislative updates on Three Waters reform, Natural and Built Environments, and conservation; case note on Port of Otago CA decision.
12 July 2021AHM News - July 2021 Government policies on housing and climate change; substantial moves towards replacement of the RMA; and further case law developments.
08 April 2021AHM News - April 2021 In this issue of AHM News we provide an update on legislative changes in the environmental law space, including the replacement of the Resource Management Act, the new Water Services Bill and the upcoming National Policy Statement for Indigenous Biodiversity; we look at a High Court determination regarding consents for a four-lane highway linking SH20 to SH1 in Auckland; and some team news.
22 December 2020AHM News - December 2020 In this edition of AHM News we look at the Government's land purchase at Ihumātao, a recent High Court decision on an aspect of Environment Court jurisdiction, and some high points of our year.
05 October 2020AHM News - September 2020 In this edition of AHM News we cover the latest in the RMA reform process; look at the newly in-force National Policy Statements for Urban Development and Freshwater Management; and provide an update on the Three Waters Reform package.
16 July 2020AHM News - July 2020 This month’s newsletter covers the COVID-19 recovery responses in legislation; progress on the Resource Management law reform; plus Government announcements on Freshwater Reform and Fit for a Better World. We also cover case law developments and provide an update on the AHM team.
16 April 2020AHM News - April 2020 Despite the Level 4 lockdown there's been plenty of activity in the Resource Management area. The Select Committee has returned with a recommendation for the Resource Management Amendment Bill, there's been strong action from the EPA in the Tui oil field off the coast of Taranaki, and an appeal has been decided on the Proposed Otago Regional Policy Statement. A Water Conservation Order has also been recommended for the Te Waikoropupū Springs with submissions open to the public.
06 March 2020AHM News - March 2020 In this newsletter we provide an overview of recent proposed legislative processes and where these processes are currently at, before moving on to summarise a Court of Appeal decision which clarifies the meaning of the bed of a river. We end with some news about our team.
17 December 2019AHM News (December 2019) In this newsletter we provide an end of year wrap up with summaries of the most recent review programs, including a series of reforms in the resource management field, the Zero Carbon Bill and a review of the Crown Minerals Act.
16 September 2019AHM News (September 2019) In this edition of AHM news we take a look at a stream of recent announcements in the environmental law world in recent weeks.
14 June 2019AHM News (June 2019) In this issue of AHM News we take a look at: The first Working Paper in Phase 2 of the EDS Resource Management Reform Project; The arrival of the long-awaited National Planning Standards, a new rule book from the Minister for the Environment; Recent Environment Court decisions that made an example of consent-holders who let their water consents lapse, and The Environment Court putting investors in farms on notice that there is a duty on them ensure proper practice is maintained.
19 March 2019AHM News (March 2019) In this issue of AHM News we: Provide a summary of a recent report which takes a first principles approach to the issue of how best to manage natural resources; Give an overview of the High Court's findings as to what land is included in the “bed” of a river; Summarise the current state of play of the proposed Water Conservation Order on the Ngaruroro River in the Hawke’s Bay; and include an update on what we have been up to at AHM.
11 September 2018AHM News (September 2018) In this issue we: Summarise the key takeaways from the Court of Appeal decision in RJ Davidson; Provide an overview of the National Planning Standards purpose and process; Update you on the status of the proposed Zero Carbon Bill; Explain how resource consent costs may be depreciable or deductible; and outline the recent decision of the Supreme Court concerning the fluoridation of water supplies.
01 June 2018AHM News (June 2018) In this newsletter we address some of the more recent events in resource management, including: Environmental initiatives in the 2018 Budget; the Interim Climate Change Committee; national planning standards; National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management; Auckland Council v Auckland Council; Waiheke marina consents; Biosecurity Act appeals in the Northland Region.
04 April 2018AHM News (April 2018) In this newsletter we address: Some recent news about our team and presentations they have given; The Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment’s Report “A Zero Carbon Act for New Zealand”; Recent High Court authority regarding assessment of proposed plan provisions; and the peculiar case of Auckland Council v Auckland Council.
21 December 2017AHM News (December 2017) 2017 has been an eventful year for many aspects of New Zealand - politics, resource management, case law, and society have all had their share of challenges and changes.
03 November 2017AHM News (November 2017) In this newsletter we canvas the new and changing political landscape, the Resource Management Act amendments which came into force on 18 October 2017, and the progress of the Ngaruroro River Water Conservation Order application.
04 September 2017AHM News (September 2017) In this month’s newsletter we address the EPA’s approval of seabed mining, amendments to the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management, the new National Environmental Standard for Plantation Forestry, and recent Supreme Court decisions.
04 July 2017AHM News (July 2017) In this edition of AHM News we look at what National Planning Standards may address, the process for developing the Standards, how you can get involved in the process, and our thoughts on the matter. We also provide a brief update on the RJ Davidson case.
03 May 2017AHM News (May 2017) Topics covered in this edition of AHM News: Resource Legislation Amendment Act 2017; National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management; Urban Development Authorities
08 March 2017AHM News (March 2017) Welcome to Autumn! With the change in seasons it is an opportune time to reflect on the changing resource management landscape.
22 December 2016AHM News (December 2016) As 2016 draws to a close we reflect on the year that was
13 June 2016Reactions to the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill (June 2016) As we noted in our December 2015 newsletter, the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill (“the Bill”) was introduced in November 2015 and submissions on it closed mid March 2016. The Select Committee was initially scheduled to report their findings back to Parliament on the 3 June 2016. This date has been pushed back to 6 September 2016.
22 December 2015Resource Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 (December 2015) On 26 November 2015 the Minister for the Environment Nick Smith announced the introduction of the Resource Legislation Amendment Bill 2015 (the Bill). The purpose of the Bill...
18 September 2015AHM News (September 2015) Unders and overs: Managing water quality in New Zealand
02 April 2015Newsletter: King Salmon In the last year, the RMA world has begun to see the ramifications of the decision of the Supreme Court in the land mark case Environmental Defence Society Inc v The New Zealand King Salmon Co Ltd [2014] NZSC 38.
16 February 2015AHM News (February 2015) Contents: 2015 – Another Year of Change; AHM Team Changes; RMA Changes; Greater Wellington Council; Auckland Unitary Plan Update; Implications of King Salmon; General Conditions of Consent; Ombudsman OIA Review